Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Making Babies

And no this doesn't have anything to do with Dave and I, ha! Kailie is studying American History this year for school and we found this idea in one of her craft books. Basically we were replicating the doll making process for girls who lived during the "Pioneer" era in the US, ala Laura Ingalls Wilder. Enjoy!
1. Take a new pair of men's tube socks and soak in water.
2. Wring out water.
3. Boil 12 tea bags in a large pot of water.
4. Soak your socks in the tea until achieving your preference of color.
5. Hang to dry.
6. Cut off the toes and calf section of the socks. Save the calf section for later. Stitch toe section closed, stuff head and stitch around the neck area, pull on the thread to tighten stitches and knot off.
7. Add stuffing to body!
8. Stitch body closed.
9. Using the calf section you removed earlier, cut it into four equal parts. Stitch 3 sides together on each piece, fill with stuffing and then stitch closed. Sew onto body for arms and legs.
10. Stitch on 2 buttons for eyes.
11. Braid yarn color of your choice for hair and sew to head.
12. Add a smile!
13. Create a bonnet and dress (and apron but it's not in the picture) from whatever scraps of fabric you happen to have around.

Ta-da! Meet Mary Kailie's first homemade dolly!


  1. What a beautiful doll! Kailie must be very proud. That is a really neat idea. I am *attempting* to make a waldorf doll for Parker for his birthday/christmas. I have no sewing skills, so this should be interesting :)

  2. Don't worry! I have zero sewing skills myself (too much time on AP English and too little time learning stuff that I could used as a Mommy....ha!) so I'm sure you will be successful in your attempt! The good thing about our kiddos is that they don't expect things to be perfect anyway. 8-)

  3. Yay! I can read your blog again- thanks for rearranging it so it would load properly! We loved all the new posts, but this was our favorite- we'll have to try doing this for history later! Thanks for the idea. Oh- and I was planning on doing leaf cookies this weekend with the girls, so it's funny you did it too- If you weren't so far away I'd loan you my cutters! :)

  4. I thought that it was you:D:D:D

    wow! that is such a beautiful doll!

    Kailie is very creative!

    PS: I love Laura Ingals Wilder stories.

    have a great day!
