Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today I....

1. Realized I haven't posted on the blog for almost a month....oops!!! (still dealing with a broken PC though, in my defense!)
2. Awoke to the announcement that Emma had vomited in her bed last night twice, "it's ok Mom, I didn't wake you up to tell you. I wanted to let you sleep." uh, that's sweet in theory....
3. Proceeded to locate the aforementioned vomit and clean it up.
4. Did 2 days of homeschooling with Kailie in about 3 hours. I LOVE HOMESCHOOLING!
5. Made our meal plan for this pay-period.
6. Went grocery shopping.
7. Cleaned the kitchen, playroom, dining room and living room with Kailie and Emma (who is feeling much better now).
8. Talked to Colleen and Nate on the phone, yea!
9. Cleaned the litter box. Disgusting. That's like the quadruple whammy of motherhood: in one day I got to clean one child's vomit, 2 children's diapers, one child's pee-leg trickles while potty-training and the cat's nastiness in the litter box. 8-)
10. Fed my family 3x. Although this happens every day it is a very special part of my day and role in this house.
11. Played Go Fish, Kings in the Corner and Slapjack with Kailie and Emma before bed.
12. Read to Isaac before bed.
13. Listened to Emma tattle on Isaac for "picking up the toys that I wanted to pick up!"....?????
14. Continued working on curriculum plans for next year.
15. Still to come (it's 9:38 pm): Bible study with Dave, we're reading through Leviticus right now. Possibly watching GLORY (I love Netflix!) with him when he gets home from the elder meeting. Finish watching On the Record with Greta and whatever else until Dave returns.

I think it's been a good day.


  1. I enjoyed # 8 also, and I'm sorry about #2, #8, and #9... and can you make it through all of #15 without falling asleep in the middle of Glory? We both fell asleep right in the middle of an action sequence in Hitchcock last night... boy are we wild and crazy!!! :)

  2. I love number 13. Awesome.
