Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lauren turned 1

I'm late on this post. On Sunday we celebrated Lauren's first birthday. This year with her has been full of changes to our family and has brought us tremendous blessings. I hope I never forget the great difficulty and fear Dave and I faced on the day she was born, all the complications and "emergency" decisions. Praise God for His great mercy and provision in those moments, and now here we are a year later with our beautiful, joyful and incredibly attentive daughter to share our days with. We love you Lauren Grace!

Lauren was hospitalized with RSV and pneumonia last March. I had to get a picture of the smallest nebulizer mask I had ever seen! Thankfully her case wasn't that serious and she was sent home with us the following day.

This is a picture of Lauren with her little cousin Alina and their great-grandmother at Christmas. Lauren is 2 months older than Alina but looked like a tank compared to her! 8-)

Computing with Abby.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Lauren!!

    Have a wonderful and amazing life and May God bless you all the time:D
