Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Speed Wash

So, here I've been struggling for the past 5 or so YEARS trying to keep up with our ever mounting laundry problem. (Before we moved it was bad because Dave and I both worked full-time and I couldn't do the laundry when I was pregnant - which was pretty much always, since it involved going up and down the stairs which I couldn't do. Now there's just a lot of us with a lot of clothes to keep up with. Add in about a month ago the drain pipe broke so we were without laundry capabilities for roughly 5 days - x 7 people- x the laundry that was already waiting to be done....you get the picture) I was so frustrated when we moved, that I just found a big box that I labeled "SOCK NIGHTMARE" and threw it in the moving truck. Needless to say, that box was never opened, but at least now (7 months later) the nightmare remains contained in one location and is out of sight...somewhere....hmmm.....maybe it went to Goodwill???

Anyhoo, I have been working on getting caught up on our laundry and it just never seems to happen, as soon as I think I'm done an ENTIRELY FULL, NEW, HAMPER APPEARS OUT OF NOWHERE!!!! Sigh. But yesterday I had an epiphany. Almost to be paralleled with Columbus' discovery that the world is indeed round, or possibly Franklin's discovery of electricity in lightning! What is this amazing discovery????

MY WASHER AND DRYER EACH HAVE A SPEED CYCLE!!!!!!! OH BLESSED WONDER OF TECHNOLOGY!!!! And yes, I've had these same machines since we moved in March, but let's not talk about the fact that the buttons have been staring at me for 7 months and I just now took the time to actually read them....8-)

Now each load is taking at least only 1/2 as long and I may actually see our laundry completely caught up by the end of this week! (for only the 2nd time in the last 7 months.....!!!!) For some of you this may not seem like a big deal, but to a household of 7 people (+ cloth diapers on 2 of those people) this is a HUGE VICTORY!

THANK YOU MAGIC SPEED WASH BUTTON! (and the wonderful folks at GE who made them!)


  1. Ha! I'm still laughing about the "sock nightmare" box! Laundry becomes an issue for me if we are away from the house for more than 2 days with errands, etc... I do about 3 loads every other day- and lately, I've been doing at least one load a day, 2 every other- instead of letting it pile up. Now, I should add that I do my colors and darks together in cold, and that I only do full loads of laundry- except for the occasional truly awful set of dirty diapers! I put a load in as soon as I get up, that way it's done by the end of breakfast- and I hang it outside if the weather is nice or it dries while we do school- and I sort and the girls help fold and put away. It has really helped me just to incorporate laundry into my daily routine instead of dreading it every other day- my attitude is much better about it, too!
    I wonder if they make a speed setting converter box for older machines??? :) I'm coveting yours!

  2. I can't even imagine- since laundry with four is never done either.

    I like the button labeled "hand wash". What's up with that?
